Soul magic collective

Welcome to the Soul Magic Collective.

Gain access to higher realms of consciousness and the multi-dimensional self and strengthen your source/spiritual connection within a likeminded community.

The Soul Magic Collective is a portal for Souls from all around the world who resonate, find benefit, comfort and knowledge from listening to and accessing the energy radiating from the language of light.

If you’ve found us then it must be divine timing! You’re now here to get support for your own journey in soul growth and expansion.

The collective is grounded in sound, and sound is the language of the cosmos. The right frequency can break up stagnant energy and alleviate any low-vibrational thought forms. It can also cultivate a deeper sense of wellbeing and empowerment.

The Soul Magic Collective is here to offer a home base, a library and a resource of channelled sound healing transmissions for the ascension process, karmic clearing and release of past life limitations. It’s time to heal and transcend all wounds and limiting beliefs.

Reach out to me to find out more information about the collective.

What is a Lightbody and how is it Activated?  

The Lightbody is the higher aspect of our energy body connecting us with Soul and Source.

The aim of this work is to bring the Soul into the physical embodiment, while quietening the ego mind. Activating your Lightbody enables you to reach expanded states of consciousness and your ability to sense the subtle energies of your Soul will increase.

You will learn ways to bring your soul's consciousness into your personality and daily life as you open the channel between you, your higher self, your Soul, and/or guide/s, as well as developing your clairvoyant sight, psychic and healing abilities.

As your activated Lightbody comes online you will learn how to change less harmonious energies into positive ones and use the energy around you to go higher. You may experience a stronger sense of personal power and a greater ability to control your emotions, stay centered, release old blocks, stuck emotional energy and respond with love and compassion.


Light Language is channelled sound healing from a collective of sources including galactic frequencies, dragons, ascended masters, and elementals. When we open up our ability to receive and resonate with this light, we are transformed from within.

Astrological alignments, for example, eclipses or planetary cycles, amplifies Light Language downloads and provides a powerful boost to the energetic potential of the work.

Light Language transmissions are all different - no two are the same. This is due to many factors, such as the continual movement of universe, the people present at the time, the ascension of the Earth, and so much more.

People sometimes have an emotional response to Light Language. Sometimes people feel a sort of déjà vu, a familiarity or that it triggers past life memories. Still others report feeling energy tingling or flowing to different parts of their bodies. Some people perceive Light Language as a “sound bath”, or a fully immersive experience. Light Language works on so many layers of the Lightbody.


Light Language supports opening to expanded states of consciousness. It allows people to access their multidimensional self and their galactic Lightbody, giving access to innate soul memory and soul purpose.

It helps clear limiting beliefs and karmic imprints held within the Lightbody from past life trauma, as well as reactivating connection to starseed origins.

DNA Activation

DNA Activation takes the dormant and closed of parts of the genome and brings it to life. Working with DNA Activation actually creates new synapses in the brain, ones to support innate healing potential, and also opens up our neural pathways for higher realm connection - a full cellular regenisis.

This can also aid:

  • clearing of limiting beliefs held within the genetics from your Mother/Father Line

  • clearing and re-alignment of the chakra system

  • accessing the individual’s original divine blueprint

  • gaining clarity of Soul purpose


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