June Energy Update

We are moving thru very accelerated times with waves of energy coming into the planet back to back. I am seeing in with myself and clients a deepening to the the shadow aspects specifically wounds around separation to source and the trauma playing out between the polarities of masculine and feminine. It’s a little frying to the nervous system and folks emotions are very close to the surface at the moment. This is part of a deep purge out allowing space for more light integration during the upcoming eclipse season in July heading into the 88 Lions Gate Portal window in July/August.

We are deleting false code and programming from the 🧬 DNA and being significantly activated at this time to remember our soul origins.

This was a theme of my recent 66 portal workshop and I have captured the essence into a powerful 17 min video activation (see FULL 66 PORTAL GALACTIC TRANSMISSION VIDEO in this blog). There is a preview/taster of the video to whet your appetite too (66 PORTAL TASTER).

You may feel extra sensitive and access heightened connection with guides and galactic realms as we move in the Solstice 22nd June (Sydney-siders come join me for my Winter Solstice Group Activation).

This month is preparation for Higher self reunion in the physical, clearing of blocks and restrictions to kundalini flow - it’s a HUGE embodiment phase.

Happy astral travels starry friends.

Michael xx

66 Portal Taster

Full 66 Portal Galactic Transmission Video

2019 66 Portal Group

Pleiadian Starseed Activation - Part Two

Here is the free activation series (Part one can be found here) to support your cellular transformation as well as the activation and anchoring of your diamond light body.

Here is part two of the channeling, recently channeled at two of the workshops in Sydney.

This workshop was channeled at the Soul Magic - Surrender workshop here in Sydney. To purchase the 2019 Surrender mp3 page, please click on the button below!

To book an online one to one healing session or light language activation for accessing more of your multidimensional self. Please click below.